Thursday, July 24, 2008

When walls are put up not to keep people up, but to see who cares enough to break them down.

Ah. I have so much going on right now. I don't know what I'm going to do once school starts. Right now I have a bunch of assignments to do. I actually did a lot of one tonight, which helps me feel a bit better, but still...summer homework? Teachers are fucking retards.

I start working soon...!...:(. I don't know what to think. Before, I mean, I was excited about it because I had nothing better to do with my time, and I'd love to have actually earned my money for once, but now...? I don't know, I'm just lazy and don't feel like working!

I pretty much hate myself right now. I'm definitely trying to work on that, but I need my sleep! It's a crucial part of my existance. I guess that doesn't really show by the fact that I'm up at 4:32 AM now, does it.

And I have SO MUCH I want to write about. Too bad I CAN'T! Not yet, anyhow. Idk. It's just about killing me though.

I'm starting to realize how amazing some people are though. And how much some other ones suck at existing...but let's be positive, because for once in my life, I feel positive. Maybe not about what's going on in one half of my life, but definitely about what's going on in the other half.

I bet I've confused you! Well. School starts soon. BOOOOO to the max. But at least I have an excuse to do mass shopping with Brittany! Woo!

On a more upsetting note:
I hate my house. I can't stand living here. It's just ridiculous. I shouldn't have to dread coming home. Home should be a place you yearn for once you're away. Not some place that you'd do anything to get away from. I'm thinking about sound proofing my room, as well as enabling it with an FBI secret files quality security system to keep out the...well...yeah. Chains, deadbolts, lasers, and insulation seem to be the only hope left. Wish me luck.

For now, I'm going to bed.

And I'll contemplate life in ways that Blogger could never help me achieve!

I'm tired, I get weird when I'm tired...

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