First of all, my 16th birthday is in 29 days. I'm soooo excited. I hate having such a late bi

Monday marks the 8 year anniversary of my mom's death. Also it would be my parents 19th wedding anniversary. It's strange how fast it has gone, and how much my life, and I, have changed since then. It sucks to not remember my own mother...but at least she lives in me. I've been looking for old videos and stuff, but I have a feeling my dad's ex-fiancee "lost" them when we moved. It's also strange how random the few memories I have of her are...I'd name a few, but I don't want to think about it right now. I don't know whether to be sad about my mom being gone, or happy about the experience at perspective it has given me. I grew up at a very young age, and that's a lot of the reason I am who I am today.
My brother's leaving for college, which should be the happiest thing to ever happen to me, but now that my dad's getting married, I don't know how to feel about it. For the past 5 years I've just been looking forward to my brother leaving and it just being my dad and I. But now, it won't be. 2 more people are moving in. My dad's soon-to-be wife, and her daughter. With my dad's last fiancee, I was the annoying little girl to the older daughter. My, how the tables have turned, eh? It's the exact same situation too, totally weird :\. I want my dad to be happy. As much as I hate the idea of this whole situation, I want him to be happy. It just upsets me that I don't think this is going to do it for him. I don't think he loves her...but it's his decision. I'm just along for the ride...again.
I'm trying to be more optimistic about life. Well, I've faced the fact that I'll always be pessimistic. That's what happens when every time you've tried to be optimistic about something in your life, it went terribly awry. I guess I'm just trying to have a little more a little more willing to do...whatever! I don't know how to get it. :D
Last year, I lost close relationships I used to have with a lot of people. Don't get me wrong, I gained a lot too, but I miss them. I miss the people I used to trust with anything. Lately I've been talking to some of them again, but it'll never get back to the way it used to be. Some are just too far away, moving on to bigger and better things, or completely destroying their lives. Some, however, are realizing how much they really do need me ;D.
This year, I made a lot of mistakes. I did some things that I'd give anything to take back. However, I think those things did teach me a lot. They taught me to be a little more careful, don't trust just anyone, don't let people down, and to never settle for anything or anyone.
I think I'm happy right now. It's summer, I have Scott, I have Kami, I have a few of my old friends back, and I'm finally realizing my life could be a lot worse.
Very nice :D
you are amazing.
you are one of the strongest people i know and one of the few i actually have respect for.
you will always have me.
i'll always be here for anything you need.
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